Alumni Hall of Fame - Our inaugural Alumni Hall of Fame induction dinner ceremony was held on October 22, 2002 at Captain Bill's Bayview House. Over 260 people attended this wonderful event. Fifteen prominent and inspiring individuals were inducted. This celebration was repeated in 2003, 2004, 2008, and 2013. Our honorees now total 57. For more information on our Alumni Hall of Fame, or if you would like to nominate a deserving alumni or former school staff employee, see our Hall of Fame page dedicated to this topic.
Scholarship Fund - Through fund raising events and donations, the Alumni Association has established a Scholarship Fund for Bay Shore High School graduates. Each year, on Senior Awards Night, we present financial awards to graduating seniors. The number of awards offered will grow as our funding increases. If you would like to contribute to the BSHS Scholarship Fund, please contact Harry Brown, [email protected].
Community Service Award - The BSHS Alumni Association Community Service Awards will be granted each year to several high school seniors who has maintained satisfactory grades, and who have displayed volunteer participation in community and/or school service.
Adopt-a-Chair - The Alumni Association continues to support and promote the High School Adopt-a-Chair program. Our newly renovated high school auditorium now features state-of-the-art acoustics and lighting, and reupholstered audience seating. Many people took advantage of this adopt-a-chair program to honor a family member or friend. For a $100.00 donation a name plate in memory of, or in honor of, will be affixed to a refurbished chair. Make check payable to "Bay Shore High School". Contact us for further details.
Community Participation - Our alumni group seeks to maintain an active presence in the community and school district. We will continue to participate in such events as Homecoming, the St. Patrick's Day Parade, the Memorial Day Parade, high school sporting events, the Community Summit Conference, and other events as appropriate.